Recent questions in Statistics for Psychologists

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Describe the importance of having Confidence Intervals.

My group fellows have given me a task to prepare a solution handbook, and I need this answer for fulfilling it as we have to submit our report by the end of this week. Please guys help me out.

1. A researcher was interested in defining the relationship between type of television program and amount of time watching this program on the school performance of individuals. The researcher used a between subjects design. The data from this study

Amount of time watching TVProgram typeLittle watchingSubstantial watching1656434Educational TV524M = 3M = 5N = 20T = 15T = 25G = 60SS = 10SS = 4Sigma * x ^ 2 = 256500153 531Non-educational TV13M = 31T = 15M = 1SS = 16T = 5SS = 6

How to use Two-Sided Significance Tests?

It’s a request to you all to respond in a quick manner as we have formed a team to undertake this task and need immediate problem solving measures to meet our liabilities on time. Most obliged by your concerns.

Write down the important steps for Significance Tests.

Hey people! I have been assigned with a task which I need to accomplish on a short term basis, please give me my desired answer.

Tests of Significance allow us to test claims.Elaborate with example.

I am working in a multinational organization which has taken me on contract to provide them necessary study material in a short span of time. I need some professional solution asap! Thank you for your time. 

Briefly discuss the caution regarding Confidence Intervals.

My lack of knowledge on this issue has really disgraced me on many occasions, please give me a satisfactory answer that can round up my queries and clarify my question properly.

How is Confidence Level and the Margin of Error related with each other?

I need a prompt answer to make sure that I submit my project report on time. If anyone has any sort of knowledge that can serve the purpose then I’ll be most obliged. Thanks!
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What is the Cohen’s Conventions?

I don't know the solution. Help needed. any one know about the Cohen’s Conventions?

What is the independence in context of variables?

hi girls and guys of docsity, will you please tell me about the independence w.r.t variables.

Define the Metaanalysis.

Can any one help me on the Metaanalysis??

In what situation do you use a chi-square test for independence?

Hi! Please help me I am stuck with this, tell me the situation in which use chi Square.

Discus the importance of Metaanalysis.

I'm preparing for an exam, can anyone please explain to me the importance of the Metaanalysis.

"How is Chi Square different from the situation in which you would use a chi-square test for goodness of fit?"

Hello everyone! My assignment is due next monday and I haven't got a clue how to solve it. The question is about the Chi Square???
1-6 of 425
Statistics for Psychologists