Recent questions in Biomedical Engineering

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What is the significance of ballistocardiography?Working principle of it, graphs and all.

Explain neocortex structure?

cerebral hemispheres also includes neocrotex. discuss neocortex structure with support of images and other relevant material.

What are the biological quality parameters to check water quality?

What measures are there to take to find water quality in term of microbiology.

How can the spinal injury be diagnosed?

What is the most suitable test for it?

Why do we get hiccups?

What is the scientific reason behind hiccups?

Enlist some of the Pathophysiological effects caused by Anesthesia.

Anesthesia problem can cause Pathophysiological effects in the human body. Please mention some of the general Pathophysiological effects caused by Anesthesia Disease.
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What are the Bio mechanical functions of Biological systems?

As a student of Biomedical Engineering I want to know about the the Bio mechanical functions of Biological systems.

Give some examples of Bio magnetic signals?

Guys I have a presentation in which I have to put some examples of Bio magnetic signal. If anyone have an idea do share.
almost 11 years ago

What is Informatics?

Informatics is very much important in Biomedical Engineering, So please tell me about this.

What steps are involved for conversion of analog signals into digital?

Yesterday I attended a workshop on signals and systems in which they discussed about analog and digital signals. I want to come to know that how analog signals can be converted into digital signals.


What is the significance of ballistocardiography?Working principle of it, graphs and all.

What are the properties of Z-transform?

For digital signal we use Z-transform. Tell me the properties used for Z-transform.
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Biomedical Engineering