Recent questions in Computer Graphics

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almost 3 years ago

please help to solve this question

**we will map an image to the Sphere. ** (Start Chrome using the following command in a terminal to load local image files or use Safari)open /Applications/Google\ --args --allow-file-access-from-files* Create a Sphere and rotate it around the vector (0,1,0)*· Map the world map onto the globe.

Demonistrate the mid-point circle algorithm with radius, r=8

here try to answer me I need the answer​

for texture triangles _______ correction is something needed in most 3D system

for texture triangles _____ correction is something needed in most 3D systemsystem.​
almost 3 years ago

please help to solve this question

**we will map an image to the Sphere. ** (Start Chrome using the following command in a terminal to load local image files or use Safari)open /Applications/Google\ --args --allow-file-access-from-files* Create a Sphere and rotate it around the vector (0,1,0)*· Map the world map onto the globe.

Demonistrate the mid-point circle algorithm with radius, r=8

here try to answer me I need the answer​

Homogeneous transformations?

In Geometric Transformations what is Homogeneous transformations? and explain with example

Computer Graphics Systems ,applications appropriate for raster refresh systems, plasma panels, and LCDs.

2.1 List some applications appropriate for each of thedisplay technologies: raster refresh systems,plasma panels, and LCDs.​​2.2 Determine the resolution (pixels per centimeter) inthe x and y directions for the video monitor in useon your system. Determine the aspect ratio, andexplain how relative proportions of objects can bemaintained on your system.
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Demonistrate the mid-point circle algorithm with radius, r=8

here try to answer me I need the answer​

Homogeneous transformations?

In Geometric Transformations what is Homogeneous transformations? and explain with example

for texture triangles _______ correction is something needed in most 3D system

for texture triangles _____ correction is something needed in most 3D systemsystem.​

Computer Graphics Systems ,applications appropriate for raster refresh systems, plasma panels, and LCDs.

2.1 List some applications appropriate for each of thedisplay technologies: raster refresh systems,plasma panels, and LCDs.​​2.2 Determine the resolution (pixels per centimeter) inthe x and y directions for the video monitor in useon your system. Determine the aspect ratio, andexplain how relative proportions of objects can bemaintained on your system.

Use of graphics in modern age

I have to write a survey paper on use of graphics in modern age. but i don't know how to write it and did not know anything about it. Will anyone help me?
1-6 of 7
Computer Graphics