Recent questions in Psychology

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almost 4 years ago

Who can answer these 4 questions "as a theme" on disability ???

Who can answer these 4 questions "as a theme" on disability ???Disability can be experienced by family members with discomfort or loneliness; what services exist to support the family? The candidate imagines that he must participate in the organization of a team for the care of a disabled person of school age. Which professional figures would you involve? And why? Autism is a developmental disorder that compromises the subject's normal intellectual and emotional growth; what are the most obvious symptoms that allow you to recognize the problem? Among the theories about the causes of autism there were those who, in the past, attributed the appearance of the syndrome to direct parental responsibility. Currently, however, it is believed that the autistic syndrome is a multifactorial pathology around which various theories revolve, some supported by scientific evidence and others that are still being studied today. Arguing the various theories
almost 4 years ago

I need HELP to solve a psicology case.

I need HELP to solve a psychology case.Alessandro is 12 years old, attends first grade secondary school and is suffering from autism; he is a lively boy who often has stereotypies and bizarre behaviors such as throwing himself on the ground, rolling and screaming. These behaviors are difficult to manage for both family members and teachers, who do not know how to behave; they also make it difficult for Alessandro to contact other boys who, bewildered, react by moving away from him. These problematic behaviors prevent Alessandro from establishing peaceful relationships so important especially in pre-adolescence, they hinder class work with repercussions at school level and make the family feel a sense of frustration and helplessness. Taking a cue from the reflections resulting from reading the passages above and from the description of the case, the candidate deals with the topic of disability and the problems encountered by the families of subjects in difficulty in managing daily life and interpersonal relationships.
over 1 year ago

Nutrición animal doméstica

Nutrición poligastricos
almost 4 years ago

Who can answer these 4 questions "as a theme" on disability ???

Who can answer these 4 questions "as a theme" on disability ???Disability can be experienced by family members with discomfort or loneliness; what services exist to support the family? The candidate imagines that he must participate in the organization of a team for the care of a disabled person of school age. Which professional figures would you involve? And why? Autism is a developmental disorder that compromises the subject's normal intellectual and emotional growth; what are the most obvious symptoms that allow you to recognize the problem? Among the theories about the causes of autism there were those who, in the past, attributed the appearance of the syndrome to direct parental responsibility. Currently, however, it is believed that the autistic syndrome is a multifactorial pathology around which various theories revolve, some supported by scientific evidence and others that are still being studied today. Arguing the various theories
almost 4 years ago

I need HELP to solve a psicology case.

I need HELP to solve a psychology case.Alessandro is 12 years old, attends first grade secondary school and is suffering from autism; he is a lively boy who often has stereotypies and bizarre behaviors such as throwing himself on the ground, rolling and screaming. These behaviors are difficult to manage for both family members and teachers, who do not know how to behave; they also make it difficult for Alessandro to contact other boys who, bewildered, react by moving away from him. These problematic behaviors prevent Alessandro from establishing peaceful relationships so important especially in pre-adolescence, they hinder class work with repercussions at school level and make the family feel a sense of frustration and helplessness. Taking a cue from the reflections resulting from reading the passages above and from the description of the case, the candidate deals with the topic of disability and the problems encountered by the families of subjects in difficulty in managing daily life and interpersonal relationships.
about 4 years ago

What would happen if the cerebellum was removed?

How would the patient live, if at all, if the cerebellum is removed?
almost 4 years ago

I need HELP to solve a psicology case.

I need HELP to solve a psychology case.Alessandro is 12 years old, attends first grade secondary school and is suffering from autism; he is a lively boy who often has stereotypies and bizarre behaviors such as throwing himself on the ground, rolling and screaming. These behaviors are difficult to manage for both family members and teachers, who do not know how to behave; they also make it difficult for Alessandro to contact other boys who, bewildered, react by moving away from him. These problematic behaviors prevent Alessandro from establishing peaceful relationships so important especially in pre-adolescence, they hinder class work with repercussions at school level and make the family feel a sense of frustration and helplessness. Taking a cue from the reflections resulting from reading the passages above and from the description of the case, the candidate deals with the topic of disability and the problems encountered by the families of subjects in difficulty in managing daily life and interpersonal relationships.
almost 4 years ago

Who can answer these 4 questions "as a theme" on disability ???

Who can answer these 4 questions "as a theme" on disability ???Disability can be experienced by family members with discomfort or loneliness; what services exist to support the family? The candidate imagines that he must participate in the organization of a team for the care of a disabled person of school age. Which professional figures would you involve? And why? Autism is a developmental disorder that compromises the subject's normal intellectual and emotional growth; what are the most obvious symptoms that allow you to recognize the problem? Among the theories about the causes of autism there were those who, in the past, attributed the appearance of the syndrome to direct parental responsibility. Currently, however, it is believed that the autistic syndrome is a multifactorial pathology around which various theories revolve, some supported by scientific evidence and others that are still being studied today. Arguing the various theories
about 4 years ago

What would happen if the cerebellum was removed?

How would the patient live, if at all, if the cerebellum is removed?
over 1 year ago

Nutrición animal doméstica

Nutrición poligastricos