Recent questions in Pharmaceutical Analysis

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You can be precise but not accurate - explain in terms of analytical chemistry with examples

Include suitable examples that can be related to pharmaceutical analysis

pharmaceutical analysis

**Limit test for sulphate in the given **

choose the correct answer !

which of the following is not an application for HPMC ( hydroxy poly methylcellulose ) ?A. to form film adhesive depersionsB. to improve the viscosity stabilityC. used as emulsifying and despersing agents for ointment and creamsD. to provide water repulsion and dryness in pharmaceutical industry

What is meant by Half-life time for drugs?

Hi I am a biology student and need to answer this one question to complete my assignment. Please write the definition of Half-Life with reference to drugs.

What is meant by peak concentration?

Hi I am solving my pharmacy assignment and I need to understand peak concentration with reference to drugs absorption. Please elaborate.
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You can be precise but not accurate - explain in terms of analytical chemistry with examples

Include suitable examples that can be related to pharmaceutical analysis

choose the correct answer !

which of the following is not an application for HPMC ( hydroxy poly methylcellulose ) ?A. to form film adhesive depersionsB. to improve the viscosity stabilityC. used as emulsifying and despersing agents for ointment and creamsD. to provide water repulsion and dryness in pharmaceutical industry

Gice your views on seizuresGice your views on seizures

My twin-bro needs your help with this question as he is going to have his mid-terms in a few days. It has long since I have studied anything about it so I need your help please. Much appreciated.

Write down the various classification of seizures.

I’ll be having my PCS exams, and as far as I have seen, it often tests this topic. Please help me elaborate this phenomenon, clarifying the relation between the two terms. Thanks!

Name the different Drugs for treatment of partial seizures or generalized tonic-clonic seizures.

I am short of time for making a reasonable justification from my course books, so can I get some help around here with my question. It needs quite elaboration, so please try to convey as much as you know about this question.
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Pharmaceutical Analysis